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Spyder Lake has everything:

  •  65 x 135 lighted indoor with mirrors with excellent footing
  •  85 x 150  outdoor arena w/jumps and lights
  •  Miles of wooded trails
  •  Climate controlled tack room
  •  Large pastures w/run in sheds

The farm is very secluded and the lower barn and pastures almost a mile off the road. This is home, and the atmosphere is quiet and easy going. The location is convenient to many hunts and shows. And if you love trail riding when you're not training, you don't have to blow a whole day trailering -- there are fabulous trails right here.

There’s lots of room in the pastures for your horse’s delight. Each pasture is about 5 acres so there's plenty of grass and room to run.  Each has a run-in shed and shady groves of trees to hide from the summer sun.

And for your delight, the bright and airy 70'x135' indoor arena has a blend of sand, Eurofelt and rubber designed to offer stability with just enough cushioning. Mirrors line 2 walls and a huge Macro-Air fan to keep you cool when the summer heats


The 85' x 150' outdoor arena has a blend of sand, bluestone and rubber.  Jumps and cavalletti are available.



When you are tired of schooling in the arenas, there are miles of hilly, groomed trails throughout the woodland that will keep your horse fit while you enjoy a leisurely ride.

Pastures have automatic waterers for cool water in summer and unfrozen water in winter. The barn has a concrete center aisle where you can tack up, or you can tie your horse to the hitching post in the shade of the the tree outside the barn.

If you love to ride in our private forest, spend hours riding rather than trailering somewhere else to ride. You can ride on miles of trails here on the farm without having to cross any roads. The 230 wooded acres of the farm are laced with beautifully groomed trails for your delight as well as more trails on adjacent land. And there’s opportunity for good gallops as well as leisurely walks by the creeks and through the woods.

The perimeter of the farm is about 3 miles so you can get an idea of the extent of our trail system. The farm is in light green and the dark green is the open area of hay fields and pastures, the rest is wooded.





 Map of Spyder Lake's Trails